Surgeon and sore-arse

Saw the surgeon today but my bum is too sore for him to inspect so I’m booked for an examination April 13. 

‘Tis a day procedure that will determine the direction of surgery. If the tumour is too close to the back door then the worst case scenario is a permanent bag which sadly, is not the nice leather variety that we girlies sling over our arms. 

No, I’ll have my very own personal pooh bag, just like dogs do when they’re out on walks, only mine will be with me 24/7 and unfortunately I won’t have an owner who will empty it for me. I’m pretty sure M’darlink’s love will only go so far. 

So where’s the upside in all of this? Well, it’ll reduce my visits to the loo and I’ll still be here to give you all the shits, so that’s surely gotta be a good thing? 

22 thoughts on “Surgeon and sore-arse

  1. Prue, are you attempting to over achieve again? This time with a need to accessorise? Stick to handbags only. J xxxx

    1. I’ve never been an over achiever yet it seems I’ve decided to become one. Of all the frigging areas to become an over achiever. F’king hell.

  2. Ouch Prue! Let’s hope it is a better case scenario and only temporary. In the meantime, I hope M’darlink’s remedy is doing the trick! Keep that humour coming😜. Lots of love & positive wishes, thinking of you lots. xxxx💕

    1. Yes, lets hope so Pete but seriously, the way this journey has played out, I can’t see it happening. Ta for your positivity, it helps a heap. M’darlink is constantly telling me I’m doing well and whilst I can’t see it, I love hearing that he thinks I am. xx

  3. Good grief, lets hope it doesn’t come to that but just in case I’m offering to wield my scissors to fashion a camper style cover to whatever you may be attached to. I’m hoping this all takes a turn for the better after your next appointment and the only bag we’ll be discussing is, “Which Prada?” xx

  4. Mitchell. Knowing you, you’ll make the bag the latest in fashion accessories. It’ll redefine boho-chic. But one step at a time . . . good luck with oooh la la today.

  5. Oooo Prueeee … let’s hope that’s not the outcome at all, wait and see and stay positive, as if I have to tell you that!!… I’ll be glad to be up there with you soon, looking fwd to seeing you both…☺️… though my mind has immediately turned to a think tank session on a little start-up in designer pooh bags & quick release, self-clean or disposable models, possibly with musical options 🎶… or maybe a prosethic which sits under the skin & drains out from your big toe upon a triple tap release … whaddya reckon?
    Big hugs & lotsa thoughts … Tanxxx

    1. Ha ha, Love ya thinking. Once an entrepreneur always and entrepreneur! Who needs a think tank with those sensational ideas?! Perhaps you could sell the idea to Prada as a community service line for bowel patients… it could be branded as Pruda or Proohda – stylish pooh bags for the design conscious problem poohers.😀

  6. Prue just catching up on the blog, responding to your journey is really hard to put into words without sounding naff but as always you both bring a smile to my face, you made me laugh in the face of hardship and thanks for that! I’ll have a few drinks for you tonight and think of you both

    1. Yeah, I totally get the naff bit Gareth. It’s very challenging on that front but one thing I’ve learnt through this charming journey is to speak your truth… you’ll find a way that sits comfortably for you. Geezuz, now I’m sounding naff!

  7. I reckon Tanya’s onto something you may just end up a trillionaire and pay somebody else to do your poooohing for you. looooooveeee you both heeeaps vic and Phil

  8. Cannot possibly match the above fabulously creative inspirations. But as our wise friend Sandy notes… one step at a time…. And may it be in the opposite direction of the squatter and a pooh bag. We are all with you every step of the way dear PM. Huge hugs and love xo

  9. Thanks for the updates Pru, glad I’ve finally cottoned on how to get regular feed in my inbox! You guys are truely amazing and so incredibly supportive and loving of each other – you are an inspiration to me and Steve…… you both long time, Soz xxx

    1. I’m glad you’ve cottoned on too Sorrell although I’m ready for another face to face visit when you’re free. I was thinking of you on the weekend which means it’s time 😀

  10. Loving vibes going out to you for a travel bag (with exotic holiday), not a poo bag. You’re an inspiration to all of us who just sit on our arses. xxxx

  11. Hi Prue – I am writing this under instructions from Allan!!!! He says “Prue, you were always a pain in the bum, now this is ridiculous – get over it” Anyway, we still love you and Michael and are always thinking of you. Good wishes, Allan and Chris

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